hr data

HR Data: Spurring Better Decision Making

There are entire companies built around the premise of collecting data on their customers. The gold rush is on as far as data collection is concerned, and yet, there are many HR departments that are entirely missing out on the power of HR data. Real leaders need to step up and take advantage of the resources available to them via the HR data that is out there to perform the best HCM.

How Satisfied are Employees?

Operating an efficient workplace means caring for the needs of all who work there. This is easier to do when the vast majority of them are satisfied with the work that they do. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to do this other than to ask the employees directly how they feel about their work. They will surely be more than happy to let you know, but you have to gather that data before you can start to use it.

Anonymous surveys are the best way to do this as they offer employees the opportunity to speak their minds freely and discuss what they do and do not like about their work. This data can then be reviewed by the appropriate staff within HR. They may discover some insights that are useful and propel the business forward.

Inclusive Workplaces

An inclusive workplace is not only the morally right way to work, but it is also the kind of environment where more work can get done. When people from all different backgrounds are brought together and assigned to work on projects together, they are often able to come up with novel solutions that simply would not have been possible in the past. The data that one collects in the HR department may be used to:

  • Encourage diversity across different departments
  • Identify where there isn’t enough diversity in certain parts of the company
  • Engender a desire to get more done
  • Encourage all parts of the company to pull in the same direction

These are elements of an inclusive workplace that can all be brought together very effectively. The only thing is, it will be necessary to use HR data to start to make it happen.


It is more important than ever before to remain compliant with all relevant HR rules and regulations. The work-from-home/hybrid work environment has made it more challenging than ever for some companies to stay on top of things like that, but they are learning to adapt as time goes on. Collecting data can help any company remain compliant with the latest regulations and help them identify where they may have fallen flat in the past.

Better Hiring Practices

There is an ongoing labor crunch in the United States. A large variety of industries are suffering as they attempt to deal with the reality of a smaller and smaller pool of potential employees from which to select. Thus, it has become apparent that all HR departments need to focus on getting the very best talent in the door when they can. A revamped focus on the hiring process is certainly called for with circumstances like this.

The best hiring practices are constructed by using hard data from hires made in the past. Information and data collected about people who have previously been brought into the organization is a great way to determine the best practices moving forward. Which candidates worked out and which did not? These are the types of questions that can only be answered when the hard figures are before you. Thus, HR departments are in a mad scramble right now to collect every scrap of data that they can to learn more about their own employees.

ASAP Payroll is teaming up with iSolved to create the best HR software to solve your HCM challenges. This collaboration has led to the development of a single-platform HCM offering that you can take advantage of today. If you would like to see a free demo in action, please contact us for the latest on how to get it.

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