Automate Open Enrollment

It’s Never Too Early to Plan: Automate Open Enrollment

Open enrollment periods are stressful for business owners, managers, HR departments, and employees. It can be a tedious process that eats up a lot of time if it is done manually every year. Many employees who have a negative experience with the open enrollment process say it could prompt them to start looking for a different job.

One of the top complaints from HR managers is that they spend hours every day answering the same repetitive questions about benefits and open enrollment. Streamlining open enrollment with HR automation tools that we can provide at ASAP Payroll is a solution that every business owner should consider.

Here are some important reasons why you should consider automating your employee benefits enrollment.

Save Time and Money

Manual benefits enrollment takes a lot of time, it’s inefficient, and it’s often confusing for employees. If they make a poor decision in selecting a plan due to frustration, it can cost them a lot of money unnecessarily. Manual enrollment costs the business owner money too, since it is an annual process. When you automate open enrollment on an integrated HR platform from ASAP Payroll, it allows employees to easily check out different plans online and select the one that’s best for them.

HR staffers love automating this process because then they don’t have to keep answering the same questions over and over. It frees them up to work on more strategic business operations.

Plan premiums are calculated automatically through a streamlined system. Premiums are deducted from payroll automatically and error-free. Automation removes a lot of burden for employees and HR staffers alike.

Happier Employees through Open Enrollment Automation

Manual enrollment for benefits can be a headache for employees and that will impact your turnover rate. Workers prefer having a system where they can access as many HR-related processes at once. Happy employees are much less likely to start shopping around for a different job.

This is another way that streamlining open enrollment can save you money. You will be hiring and training fewer replacements. Automated enrollment is a win-win because it empowers your employees while also reducing the amount of interaction that they need with HR.

Trustworthy Data

An automated enrollment system also offers swift data analytics and tracking that can be helpful for business owners and HR departments. You can easily find out which plans are the most popular with your workforce each year, and save money by trimming offerings that are likely more expensive and underutilized. Communicating with your employees about various plans can also give you insights into any areas where benefits packages are not meeting their needs.

HR automation software can also let you know whether employees have a high level of work satisfaction, whether you are attracting top talent through your benefits, and whether your employee retention rate is improving or declining.

Gain a Competitive Advantage

According to surveys by the Society for Human Resources Managers, only about half of companies are using automated enrollment retirement plans, insurance packages and other benefits. Switching to an open enrollment system can offer you an advantage over your competitors. Employees and HR departments alike appreciate ASAP Payroll enrollment solutions. We partner with companies to provide custom-tailored assistance when it comes to hiring, onboarding, payroll, timekeeping, HCM/HR management, and more.

Automated enrollment improves employee satisfaction, makes data analytics easier, removes headaches for your HR staff, and makes your company more attractive to top talent who might otherwise go to work for your competitors. It makes great sense for companies to switch to an automated enrollment system. It’s never too early to start thinking about making this switch, either.

Ready to make your open enrollment process seamless, accurate and tailored to your business? Contact ASAP Payroll today to find out how we can revolutionize your open enrollment experience.

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